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Nom (en) : Artisan
Description (en) : Rather than going on adventures, Artisans stay at their work bench and mainly work on creating items from materials gathered by Scavengers and Bounty Hunters. When they enter combat, they use summoning skills for attack purposes.
Race : Dwarf
Niveau : 20
Classe requise : Dwarven Fighter
INT : 20
STR : 39
CON : 45
MEN : 27
DEX : 29
WIT : 10

Artisan est l'une des classes pour Dwarf du jeu.


À traduire

Rather than going on adventures, Artisans stay at their work bench and mainly work on creating items from materials gathered by Scavengers and Bounty Hunters. When they enter combat, they use summoning skills for attack purposes.

Style de jeu

À traduire

The Artisan class focuses primarily on crafting items. However in combat, an Artisan can summon machines made for fighting. Artisans have good attack skills and defenses, and often fight alongside their summoned machines.

Transfert de classe

Artisan est une évolution de la classe Dwarven Fighter.

Au niveau 40, la classe Artisan évolue vers :