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Nom (en) : Orc
Description (en) : The Orc race is the race of fire. Among all races, Orcs possess the greatest physical abilities.

Orc est l'une des races du jeu.



À traduire

The Orc race is the race of fire. Among all races, Orcs possess the greatest physical abilities. After the destruction of the giants, they were able to expel the Elves and attained the most powerful position on Aden. However, they were defeated by the Elf-Human alliance some time later, and are currently living in an arctic area of Elmore.

Special Abilities of the Race

À traduire

They have a strong resistance to negative effects, such as poison or sickness.


À traduire

Orcs have superior physical strength, with high maximum HP and MP levels. They also have a fast recovery speed. However, they are not quick and have slow movement, attack, and casting speeds. They have low marksmanship and evasion as well.

Liste des classes pour Orc répertoriées

Nom Race Niveau requis INT STR CON MEN DEX WIT Classe requise
Orc Fighter Orc 1 18 40 47 27 26 12
Orc Mystic Orc 1 31 27 31 42 24 15
Monk  Orc 20 18 40 47 27 26 12 Orc Fighter
Orc Raider  Orc 20 18 40 47 27 26 12 Orc Fighter
Orc Shaman  Orc 20 31 27 31 42 24 15 Orc Mystic
Destroyer Orc 40 18 40 47 27 26 12 Orc Raider
Overlord Orc 40 31 27 31 42 24 15 Orc Shaman
Tyrant Orc 40 18 40 47 27 26 12 Monk
Warcryer Orc 40 31 27 31 42 24 15 Orc Shaman